Now Everyone Can Train Like a Pro!

Now Everyone Can Train Like a Pro!

  • Post category:Blog / Sport

If you’ve ever wanted to start a resistance training program and haven’t been quite sure where to start, we’ve got the solution for you. You can now purchase our online strength, hypertrophy and general development programs and take your own training to a new level.

There are 6 possible programs to meet your needs:

  1. General Development
  2. Ultimate Strength (Full-Body)
  3. Ultimate Strength (Upper/Lower)
  4. Ultimate Hypertrophy (Full-Body)
  5. Ultimate Hypertrophy (Upper/Lower)
  6. Ultimate Hypertrophy (Push/Pull/Legs)

Depending on your needs, you can purchase, 1 or all 6 programs. You will get:

  • A comprehensive 10-week training program (including 2 de-loading weeks)
  • A choice of 3-day, 4-day, or 6-day training splits
  • 10+ page in-depth e-Book to assist your progress
  • Alternative exercise options to fit preferences and availability (available in all strength and hypertrophy programs)
  • Various intensification techniques, including the use of rating of perceived exertion, repetitions in reserve, and % 1RM
  • Tips to improve technique and form

Make sure to save this link to grab a program to meet your needs!

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